A01 News

26 Jan 1996:
FLYSKY have the C.A.F. formal parts
supplier and repair contractor.

24 May 1997:
FLYSKY became AIDC formal parts and repair supplier.
for their IDF and AT-3 parts and repair

21 July 1998:
FLYSKY became an Air Police formal supplier
for their AS365N helicopters.

21 July 1998:
FLYSKY purchased 6ea B737-200 from Far Eastern Air

10 Oct 2001:
FLYSKY into aviation education area
Sold one each Cessna 152 to Kao-Yan university .

08 MAY 2003:
FLYSKY is settimg up 147 in Taiwan named FLYSKY COLLEGE

20 FEB 2004:
FLYSKY is establishing 141 in Taiwan named FLYSKY ACADEMY

25 DEC 2005:
FLYSKY purchased A321 from Trains Asia Airways.

20 Jan 2006:
FLYSKY Coperated with University for airline staff , Pilots, merchanic. etc.

10 MAY 2007:
FLYSKY get CAA 141 certificate